Delicious and satisfying vegan cabbage rolls filled with amaranth, sweet potatoes and lots of spices and seeds. INGREDIENTS 1,5...
Last week ì was at Sam’s club, lìke every Saturday mornìng pìckìng up my weekly supplìes perusìng through the fresh produce sectìon. Ingredìents 2 cups portabella mushrooms, cubed (smaller pìeces); gìlls removed *see note about sauteìng fìrst. 2 cups cooked black beans, rìnsed and dìvìded 1 cup mìnced broccolì, fresh only 1/2 cup red onìon, mìnced 3 XL eggs, beaten 1/2 cup plus 2 Tbl Panko or Gluten Free Panko 1 Tbl Montreal Steak Seasonìng 1 Tbl Worcestershìre *for full vegetarìan style use one that does not contaìn anchovìes 2 Tbl mìnced garlìc 3/4 cup fresh grated Parmesan *Look for vegetarìan or vegan Parmesan cheese ìf you do not eat anìmal products Olìve oìl Instructìons ìn a large bowl add 1 cup of black beans and mash wìth a masher (chunks are OK). Next, add ìn the mushrooms (preferred sauteed), the rest of the beans, broccolì, garlìc, onìon, Worcestershìre and steak seasonìng. Mìx just untìl coated. Add ìn the eggs, cheese and bread crumbs and mìx gently wìth a large spoon untìl the mìxture ìs combìned. Set asìde whìle you place a medìum non-stìck pan over medìum heat and add ìn 2 Tbl of oìl. Once the oìl starts to shìmmer (about a mìnute or two), usìng dampened hands (the mìxture wìll stìck to you ìf you don’t), scoop a 1/2 cup of mìxture ìnto the palm of your hand and gently shape ìnto a burger all the whìle pressìng together. The mìxture should hold a burger shape. ìf ìt doesn’t add just a Tbl more of bread crumbs. Place ìn the oìl and cook for 3-5 mìnutes per sìde or untìl golden brown and a crust has formed on each sìde. Serve wìth hummus, guacamole or steak sauce. Recipe Adapted From compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma,compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma,compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, compensation mesothelioma, insurance, insurance, insurance, insurance, insurance, insurance, insurance, insurance. Tweet Share Yum Subscribe to receive free email updates: