Rainbow Fruit Cups {Healthy Snack for Children Oleh Rosnani Roaini May 14, 2019 I made some cute little fruit cups for my daughter’s preschool class party today and wanted to pass along this idea. I love these fruit cups because they are so lovely in person- my little girls were… Read AlsoEasy Recipe: Perfect 2 Layer German Chocolate CakeEasy Recipe: Tasty Pork StewEasiest Way to Make Perfect Seafood Stuffed Mushrooms Olive GardenEasy Recipe: Yummy Apple Broccoli SaladEasiest Way to Cook Delicious Vegan Oatmeal Cream Pies You may like these posts :Lemony Kale and White Bean SoupEasy Guide to Creating Delicious and Healthy Lunch BowlsLentil Salad with Spring Veggies, Mint and Yogurt SauceHere Are 21 Healthy Fall Soups To Stock Your Freezer